Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Pumpkin Day!

   As it turns out I did not get to blogging yesterday or the day before or...the day before(I was typing this yesterday then ran out of time). Sorry but life does come first! Halloween is TODAY!! Very exciting, I know. But here is what I found for you..

    So I was parusing google and found some interesting "ghost" stories. The first I actually heard on a tour but whatever. Enjoy!
 The first that I can think of off the top of my head is the Stanley Hotel, mentioned before in my favorite places. There are too many stories to tell so I shall stick to only one. There is a ball of sorts that takes place every fall right around Halloween. Only, this ball is only for the dead. Sorry, that was a bad horror movie line.  Anyways, Steven King supposedly witnessed this when he had his stay at the Stanley. Whether it's true or not, I'm not surr but I'd love to see me some transparent people waltzing around.

Elmer McCurdy    This next one is more of a ghost story rather than a spooky place to visit. From what I've read, this one seems to be a valid story. It's not as scary as it is distrubing and dark but if suits my purpose. :) This is my version of the story: There was an outlaw way back when that was running from the police. They killed him in a shoot-out, gave him to the underr-taker, blah blah blah. But the emblamer guy kept that outlaw, Elmer McCurdy, and showed him off for a nickel!! Apparently he hung his corpse or whatever for show. These carnie guys at one point claimed Elmer's body saying he was their brother then showed him off at their carnival! Somehow or another the hanging man's body got passed around till it ended up in an amusement park fun house! There was a film being shot in the park and a stage-hand went to move the"prop" when it's arm fell off!! Now Elmer McCurdy rests in Summit View Cemetary...beneath two feet of concrete.

    That's it for today! Have fun whatever your plans be for tonight. But keep your candy close...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In Four....

   As I've mentioned before, Halloween is my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E holiday of all. So it is with a heart filled with joy I tell you we are four days away from Old Hallow's Eve! I am irritated to tell you that my facebook will not load but that is an entirley different rant that I shall not go into as of right now. But I've decided that I shall be trick-or-treating this year against what I had previously planned. Who can resist free candy? And dressing up and glavanting about like an idiot is always enjoyable.

   But talking about the trick-or-treating festivities was not what I intended to do when i began typing this so I shall refrain here on out from doing just that. For the next four days, if I get on frequently enough and have the will power, I will insigiht some interesting and hopefully humorous Halloween knowledge upon you.

   So, my first bit of holiday knowledge for you is about the origins of Halloween. It actually began as a holiday celebrated by the Celts called Samhain. Get this, children went around that day and asked for food! Not just candy, food. That sounds like my kind of celebration. I call for a Halloween reform! Anyways, priests were the head of these things and they were called Druids. Everytime I read that I think of Star Wars. New life goal here!

  Check back tommorow for more Halloween knowledge! And never, ever, ever look behind you on the 31st if you hear someone walking behind you by chance....

Monday, October 25, 2010


    Today was/is a very auditiony day for me! I doubt you want to hear about my endeavours but I shall tell you anyways! First, I had my audition for host of the TALENT SHOW (I've been saying musical all day). It was interesting considering I had to act out my "creative introduction" that consisted of two people walking on stage simultaneously. That was when my acting skillz (oh yes, I added a 'z' to that) came into play. Now I'm getting ready to leave for my honor band audition. Gonna where a skirt and all. This thing is pretty legit.
    Well, that's all you'll have to hear about my Monday goings on. Onto more important things! My mother and I were driving back from dropping a friend off at their home last night and we hit a rouge splosh of rain. Lot's of lightning, thunder, the works. But this little car comes whizzing around us and down the highway at the speed of light. Okay, not really the speed of light but he was booking it. We had just been discussing the lightning and I decided that the faster a car goes the more conductable you are. So if any of you heard about a car speeding got struck by lightning in the St. Louis area last night please notify me. I'll have to send my new theory onto scientists.

    I've got some flutifying to do now so I must depart. Typing computer and flute keys don't really work out all that well usually. Especially when you're trying to do them at the same time. Be awesome.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Six O'clock and all is Well!

   This afternoon my parents and I took a lovely stroll through the park to not feel like lazy bums. (Of course, my dad and I had ice cream at Dairy Queen afterwards but who cares). My mother led us on an off road adventure by the "river" running tranquil nearby. I wanted to try jumping to some other banks but my mom wouldn't go for it. Apparently, the water was cold or something. But we found a nice place to skip rocks where me dad showed off his talents and I showed how much I suck sometimes. The best part about the excursion? When we came up from the bank and I spotted the official Park Boundary notice sign. That explained why the houses up the hill could be so close.

  I did learn something interesting from the trip though, aside from where the park ends. I need new shoes! Of maybe new socks. Now I've got massive blisters that hurt like crazy. I should've gotten the hint that they shouldn't be worn when the inner lining started wearing away to the plastic shoe part. I'll live, coul ddo with some new ones anyways.

   This is completely off topic, which you should often expect from me, but why is monster blood always green? My parents are watching Gremlins right now and a few just got blended up and blown up in microwaves and other great stuff and the blood is green!! Can't they have magenta blood or something? Harry Potter refrence here, fair warning but unicorns have epic blood! It's all silvery and pretty even if it's totally disgusting and not meant to be out of their bodies.. Give the disgusting Gremlins some cool blood, at least.

  On that hear-warming topic I shall leave you. Do keep in mind, never feed your Gremlin after midnight and never, under any circumstance, should you get them wet.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting My Pioneer On

    This evening I'm going to be travelling back in time with some of my friends for the yearly Hay Ride over at the elementary school. For any of you who don't live around here, have been in a coma the last fifty years, or just don't care, the elementary school here has a pioneer week sort of thing. There are olden time activities all day and then a Pioneer days themed fun night thingy. The hay ride requires actors to come and portray the happy go lucky cow-boys, pioneers, and indians running about and dancing. Indians and cowboys? I guess in Hayrideville they live in peace. Go figure.
  So, I'm listening the Glee version of Rocky Horror Picture Show right now. I'm a little interested to see how this is going to turn out next week. All I've seen of the original is up to the part where Meatloaf comes in. I don't really care so much after that, I get to see weird people do a silly dance and a man named after a well hated food with laof in it's name! (I personally like meatlof but whatever). Maybe he's not actually named after meatloaf but I can still imagine he did.

  Well, with visions of people doing the Time Warp in Pioneer clothes I shall leave you. When I'm doing the square dance segment of the hay ride tonight I will burst out into the Time Warp. That would be fun and contraversial at the same time! Darn, but this is an elementary school function....we'll see. Adios!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


   I was rather hungry when I got home from school today so I did a little fridge investigatin'. I can report that all was well in both freezer and...what would you call that other one? I guess that's just the fridge....Anyways! All was well in both freezer and fridge land. No recent watermellon murderings or other tradgedies. But I did find a tupperware bowl of macaroni which I ate half of. Lesson learned here you may be wondering? I like macaroni, cold or warm.

  Moving on from my cheese fettish. I don't know if you've seen/heard it yet but Willow Smiths Will Smith's daughter, has a song out. It's called, and I'm serious here, Whip my Hair. She's a good singer for her age but I had a hard time not laughing when I first watched the video. I can tell you in all honesty that I'm not going to be "whipping my hair". Even if this becomes the next dance, which would be a bit ackward for the boys who have very little of the stuff, I will NOT be throwing out my neck for the purposes of dance.

  That is all for today! Have a very, merry Thursday. Or rather, pre-Friday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

These are some of my FAVORITE THINGS!

   My mother and I were discussing my math grades (which, I will openly say, haven't been all that pretty as of late) and she decided I need a mental vacation. No, I am not going to just check out and sit in a corner for a few days because that would be boring, dumb, and boring. I do not enjoy sitting in corners for long lengths of time. ANYWAYS! I thought today I would share with the my favorite places I've been in my life so far that I would wish to go on a vacation, whether while zoning in any class BUT math or a real one. Here we go, drum roll please!!

  The first on my list going in no real order is Estes Park, Colorado. It is pictured in the tranquil scene below but is home to one of the awesomest/scariest legit haunted houses in the nation! (This is where you insert creepy lightning) I recommend it but not to someone that does not enjoy precarious rides through the mountains.

  Next up is Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Another place we went to that had a haunted hotel to stay in, The Crescent. The town is adorable with its little winding streets made for carriages and not cars so you almost ram everyone anywhere you go! But that, my friends, is why you park and use sidewalks. Remember, one good and healthy act will lead to another!

   Alrighty, moving on. This next one is Indianapolis, Indiana. I went there a long time ago with my family for my father to wear himself out running a half-marathon with my aunt. Maybe it wasn't THAT long ago, four years I think. Whatever. I like big cities so obviously, this was an awesome place to me.

I'm going to wrap it up! Obviously, I like others but that's all I'm going to say for now. Have a good day, now, and keep an eye to the skies. You never know when there might be a well fed bird flying overhead.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Green Bows and Such

   Hello followers of Pineapple Explosion (however few you might be) and welcome! So I just recently learned something exciting and decided to share it as I often do with such news. To stop a yawn in its tracks, touch your tongue!! It works. And now I'm sure you're going to try it and I'm going to laugh at you. It worked though, didn't it? Yeah, just be sure not to do that when you've got something gross on your spam. That would be nasty.

  Anyways, so I just saw another preview today for the "new" movie coming up soon, Tron. I don't know about anyone else but I saw the original Tron made back in the dorky effects era and I'm sort of wonderin ghow this one will be. I have high hopes for this new given the advancements in cinematics....

  Well, the last episode of FRIENDS is on and I do enjoy my friends so I shall go watch it. I still cry everytime (just kidding!)  It's even cooler now that my sister has been to the place this all takes place. And Rachel is going to Paris in this episode, another place Kelly's been. I love havin gwell travelled family! Adieu. 


Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh, The Leaves

   Soo looking out my window right now I'm saddened to see all the leaves dropping to the ground. Well, sad that I'll have to rake them is what I mean. According to my father (who knows all) they aren't supposed to get all that pretty this year.  Darn you clouds and your need to keep your rain to yourself! We'd like some down here, too. If only for the leaves.

   On the topic of Fall I"m so super excited for Halloween! Even if I'm probably maybe not going to go Trick-or-Treating, it's still my favorite holiday. It also gives me an excuse to tell peope about my haunted travellings. Scaring the socks off of my peers is always a good time.

  Grr, I'm so tired of all these campaign comercials on lately! If I hear Robin Carghanahahahsfwhatever knocking Roy Blunt one more time I swear I'm gonna throw a notebook at the screen. Ha ha, here's another one! Let me get me notebook....rock on.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well Looky Here!

    Today, on this seventeenth of October, I created this blog, Pineapple Explosion. What's with the name you ask? I just think that watching a pineapple explode would be pretty awesome. Then you could eat the debris afterwards. Easy cleanup! Oh, and then you can drink the juice splattered on your nice floral wallpaper (even if you don't have floral wallpaper, I know you want some now!).
    Anyways, that's what this is mainly going to be about. My ramblings on about things such as pineapple explosions. In the words of a popular internet site, my life is average. I want to spice it up a bit and hopefully yours in the process. Add a laugh? Hopefully. So this is for you all who "like" my facebook statuses and invite me into your homes based upon my aforesaid statuses. This is for you.