Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well Looky Here!

    Today, on this seventeenth of October, I created this blog, Pineapple Explosion. What's with the name you ask? I just think that watching a pineapple explode would be pretty awesome. Then you could eat the debris afterwards. Easy cleanup! Oh, and then you can drink the juice splattered on your nice floral wallpaper (even if you don't have floral wallpaper, I know you want some now!).
    Anyways, that's what this is mainly going to be about. My ramblings on about things such as pineapple explosions. In the words of a popular internet site, my life is average. I want to spice it up a bit and hopefully yours in the process. Add a laugh? Hopefully. So this is for you all who "like" my facebook statuses and invite me into your homes based upon my aforesaid statuses. This is for you.

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