Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Posts from Social Studies

    We were watching CNN news in Social Studies today and they showed a reporter by a flood wall in Pittsburg. The guy was standing right by the impromptu wall and I couldn't help but imagine him accidentally breaking the wall while standing there. Just trip and hit one of the support beams while reporting. I had a cute little drawing to put right here but since Blogger is rejecting my server you'll just have to use your imaginations. : / Anywho, this is what you get when I'm bored in Social Studies. For the record, I have an A in there and I wrote this post when I had nothing else to do for a stretch of time. I think I may do a paper draft of these from now on, I kind of like it. We'll see. Good bye for now. P.S. You all should go see Pirates of the Caribbean this weekend! But not at the theater I'm going to so I can get tickets. That's my daily advice for you. Oh, and vote on my poll before it's too late!

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