Saturday, June 4, 2011

OPCD (Obsessive Pen Disorder)

    I think I have a problem. I believe I am, or at least well on my way to being a pen hoarder. My cups on my desk are chock full of them and I usually have at least three on my nightstand. However, a miracle has occurred on this June 4th at 1:30 AM: I cannot find one pen on my nightstand! And for once I actually kind of need it rather than want it. So I had to get up and walk the five steps back and forth to my dresser where I thankfully had two extra pens lying around (that I spotted at a glance…) 


     Do you see that?! My IPod dock, my IPod, a water bottle, random world map, assorted notebooks, my copies of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Divergent, Lotrimin (for my possible toe fungus. I think it’s just dry skin but you can never be too sure), Post-It Notes, two Physical Therapy business cards, a desk lamp, a book light, a home made IPod cover constructed solely from Duct Tape, two pairs of ear buds, a hair tie, and my radio but not a single pen!!! Try spotting all the crap in that little picture, I dare you. Oh wait, it’s impossible! Oh well. Anyway, I should go do whatever it was I was going to do with a pen before I got started ranting on here about my pen obsession. *sigh* Adios. If you’re looking for an easy disguise, refrain from washing your hair a few days. This will not only darken your hair color but give it a whole new texture to confuse your enemies! Note: Depending on how quickly your hair becomes greasy determines how quickly you can use this disguise. Plan ahead before using this one. 

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