Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shout Out to the International Readers!

    Oh goody, another snow day today! The winter weather is sure hitting Missouri hard this year. Really, it's just hitting the country hard! Yesterday when the worst of the weather rolled through I heard that the only state that wouldn't get snow from this would be Florida. I sort of wish I was in Florida right now...

    So, like the dork I am, I get on every day and check the stats on my blog. It amazes me every day how many people get on and read it! I don't know how many of these people just get on by chance thinking they'll find a site that shows fruit exploding but either way, the number is impressive. A cool feature is that I can see what country you people are all from! A bit stalkerish, right? But here's a shout out to you international readers!  You make my day whenever I see someone has visited from Slovenia or any other country I can't plot on a map. Oh, and a specific thank you to Sam ____ for reading and telling me how awesome I am! Right back attcha!


    Why, do you ask, is there a picture of Woody and Buzz? Because I googled "Best Pictures of 2010" and these two came up. Well, other came up but they were my favorite and gave me a chance to talk about my childhood love of Toy Story. See, when I was in my youth (my younger youth) I would watch Toy Story daily! Somehow that memory didn't stick with me but I do still love me some Toy Story. Vote in my poll to the right on which is your favorite character. The people want to know! (Actually, I just want to know)

    That's all I have for you today! Longer post than usual, right? Maybe I'm just babbling more than usual. At any rate, I shall leave you now with only one bit of advice. Always cap your markers in order to avoid marker catastrophes.

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