Sunday, February 20, 2011


    Remember a few posts ago when I gave you the trailer for the movie I Am Number Four? Well, I went to see it with my bestest friend Kaley today. My opinion? Loud but excellent. The girl from the Sorcerer's Apprentice played "Numbah Six" (she's Australian so when she say's Number it comes out as Numbah) and was pretty freakin' awesome. For one, she had an epic motorcycle and a nice wardrobe. If I had to become a movie character for some strange reason, say my current identity was compromised in some totally unlikely circumstance, I wouldn't mind becoming her. My one issue with the movie was that they didn't seem to have names. Sure, the cute main character guy that played Number Four had a name but it was made very clear it was a fake name. And then Numbah Six told one of the other characters her name was Jane Doe in jest (ha ha, jest) but they had to have names from their home planet. I'd have to have a set name other than "Numbah Six" if I was going to become the character, though.

    As the title today said, I'm not feeling very inspired. Countless times today I've brought up this document but gotten distracted by other more flashy ideas. Which means I resort to my fallback idea and give you cute puppies! Enjoy. My daily words of advice? Check your food before eating. Lord knows what could be waiting in it.

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