Sunday, November 28, 2010

Truffle Cake

    Ah! Musical auditions on the morrow. Am I nervous? No (yes)! Whatever, if I get the part then I will but if I don't I won't. It's not like my not getting the part will cause the Apocalypse to ensue. Let's hope at least. if you're curious, our school is putting on Guys and Dolls Jr. and I am trying out for the part of Adelaide. Fun name, right? But you're not here to hear about my petty endeavors. You're here to hear the random thoughts that pop into my head as I write this. At least I hope you are...

    Presently I am eating a piece of this truffle cake stuff that my mother made for Thanksgiving. Oh, Thanksgiving! You are still present in my life and stomach. It really is amazing stuff this truffle cake. Expecially since it's smothered in whipped cream. And not the canned whip cream stuff, the actually whiped stuff that I could eat a whole container of plain. Anyways, I believe the moral of this story is that truffle cake is really good when covered in whipped cream.

   Tomorrow has rain and snow in the forecast! I can't tell you how very excited I am. Although the snow will not stay even if it comes due to the warmth of the ground I can't hlep but dream. I at least get to see it since my locker has such a nice view of the big field thingy outside. I knew that having my locker at the end of the hall was a good thing.

    Wow, now that truffle cake dried out my mouth. Time to get a glass of water! Adios, adieu, goodbye, and oodbyegnay!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wintry Mix of Epic Proportions

    I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving/Thursday. I, for one, am still stuffed from yesterday. Can't get too much of my sister's potato casserole stuff (it has chives in it! Chives!!). The best part is you have lunch for a week afterwards! Another big reason I love the holidays.

    We got pelted with a  "wintrey mix" yesterday! Yeah, a "wintrey mix". I'm serious. It didn't really last long, though. Which was probably good considering the amount of crazy people driving out in the middle of the freakin' night to shop the Black Friday deals. No doubt there would've been some crazy people accidents.

    Ooh, Fantasia is coming out in high definition for the first time ever! Fancy. Whenever those movies come out in "high definition" I never know the difference. Those people that slap the labels onto old movies saying "this movie is so awesome now" could totally be scamming us. It's not like I'm going to go sit down and play my 1987 version of Lady and the Tramp and compare it to my brand new, redefined, high definition, totally amazing, 2010 version. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this...

    My mouth is cold from my water and my eyes are getting tired so I'm going to end it there. May your ventures be fruitful and your Kleeeex boxes plentiful! 'Tis the season to be sneezy. Adieu. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eraser on the Run

    Writers...block...attack! -sigh- Yes, it's hit me once more. And when you're in the middle of writing a book series while trying to revise the first book, add to it, and come up with a suitable plot for a contest entry...let's just say this isn't the most ideal time. Oh well, I'll get over it in a week or two. Until then I will bring up blank word documents and stare at them incessantly until my eyes burn out. Although, that may be a tad counterproductive...

    My Magic Rub Eraser has gone MIA as of late. I lent it to a girl in my algebra class yesterday who I figured had taken without malicious intent but then she didn't have it today. She did give me her eraser to use though. Maybe she does have my eraser and she gave me the crappier of the two (it's one of those stupid pink erasers that leave grey smudges all over your paper) as a trade. A trade I was unaware of!! GASP. Some words may be exchanged this upcoming Monday.

   Glee is on! I should go watch it right now considering it's on and stuff. Yes, I am a glee geek (no way am I going to say... gleek. Now I've said it. Awesome) . Your opinion on Glee? I want to hear it! Comment below! Below! Below! Below! Below! Below! C'mon! Below! Below! You know that you want to. : ) Click the comment button and make my day. xD    |

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

   I love pancakes. And I don't always say that since I'm not really a breakfast person. But blueberry pancakes, at least on a Sunday morning, are pretty amazing. Even if the blueberries are chunks of artificial blueberry flavoring dumped into some dehydrated batter or whatever.

   Another thing I'm quite partical to is the 'publish post' button on this page. It's a nice shade of orange complemented by the blue of the 'save now' and 'preview' buttons. The publish post button sort of dwarfs the other two with its awesome orageness and its biggness. It's like the T-Rex of buttons while the other two are peaceful herbavore buttons. (See illustration below!)

So, those have been the insights into my mind for today. Very short, I know. Sorry! Adios.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sticky Notes

    Wow, I'm such a lazy bum! It has been maybe three days since I last updated this. Shame upon me. Anyways, my mother is making jello right now! Jello of the cheery persuasion to be exact. What is your opinion on the stuff? It seems you either like it or hate it. Vote on my poll for peet's sake!!

    So, I feel like I'm writing to a crowd of mute statues who I know for a fact have consciousnesses and definetly move when I turn around but I never trun fast enough to completely see them move! A fleeting glance is all I ever get (ahem, my pool, ahem). Which leads me to this next statement! If you are in fact not a sometimes immobile mute statue then please, for the love of all that is good in this world, leave me a comment! It doesn't even have to make sense or portain to anything I mentioned today. Just gibberish if you like! Let me know I am not talking get the picture.

   Sticky notes are an interesting concept. They're different colors, they have the ability to keep notes on them, and they don't stick all that well. Go figure. My many post it notes set up on my desk are all held up with sticky tack (see picture(s) below). I'm thinking about writing the Post-it-Note comapny to have them check the stickyness factor on their note card. They have not met my expectations. Sticky Tack is doing pretty well though, A's for them!

So that's the end! Leave me a comment, PLEASE! I'm people deprived. : (

Monday, November 15, 2010

Out of my head, Munchkins!

    Headaches are the bane of my existance. They are of no use and only make people crabby! Of course, I don't ever get crabby! (That's a lie) But that would probably be why they invented Ibuprofen and things of the like. It's like there are little elves pouding on my cranium and eye balls from the inside. Get out of my head little munchkin people!!

   When my mother and I returned home this evening from a Girl Scout excursion (yes, I am still in Girl Scouts thank you) we found a nice splattering of puke from our wonderous dog, Molly.  Oddly enough, the puke stain was in the shape of an arrow. I mean, a legit arrow. What was it pointing to you may ask? Our lamp. If there was some profound meaning behind it I shall never know. I told my mother she was trying to tell us "Johnny was in the lamp" but she didn't seem to take me seriously. When they wake up to bangings coming from the lamp, I'll be the one laughing.

   I like Sarah Palin's accent. We were watching Sarah Palin's Alaska last night and it was super entertaining just to listen to her speak. You'd think she's Canadian then BALAMA-BLAM! She's part of the United States of America! How 'bout that. All politics and such aside, her accent makes me happy.

   This is the end! There is no more. Unless I see that bear once more!....Sorry about that. Girl Scout flashback there. A far and fond adieu.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blue Bird Attacks

    Guess who changed their blog's background and theme stuff today?? You'll never guess so I'll tell you. I did! I've got a cool pineapple background but I'm still trying to figure out how exactly to apply it. Oh well! I like paper lanterns just as well as I like spikey fruit the has pine in its name.

   This is weird! I'm on Facebook this very moment I am writing this and the first four statuses on my feed...thingy all consist of only four words. If that is not ironic then I don't know what is! Sorry, that was a lame thing to mention. I'll try harder to not write things that a lame. : )

   Moving on now. It finally got cold here! Well...sort of. It's been down to forty or so the last few days which isn't too bad for a Missouri November. Especially since last week was in the FRICKIN' SEVENTIES! I have nothing against warm weather but I do, you know, enjoy the cold wheather. That way I get to wear my awesoem new coat! But if there is no cool temperatures then I don't get to wear my coat! Actually I could but then I would be the weirdo walking around in the wool coat sweating her brains out and that would just be weird.

   I want to learn how to play another instrument. I've already started flute and such but I need some variety. I don't exactly have a piano at my disposal and the holds none of the glamor that other insturments hold. I suppose I've got a harmonica floating around somewhere. But I'm not sure I trust it all that much since I've had since I was four or something. that thing could've been in the toilet for all I know! And definetly no accordian ever. Flash backs to polka on TV at my grandparents house. N.O.

   With the thought of instrument playing now rooted in your brains I sign off. Watch out these days for rogue blue birds, you never know when they'll strike...your windows!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


   HELLO! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you. I just get...caps happy sometimes. You all do it, don't deny it. Anyways, thank you for reading this riveting installment of Pineapple to the Explosion (see what I did there? Added the 'to the' to make it sound fancy!). Happy Veteran's Day, all. I would have a moment of silence but it wouldn't be synchronized and I doubt that you are being too loud if you're reading right now. Unless you're a super multi-tasker that can scream out Bohemian Rhapsody while reading, and hopefully laughing. Then you should make a video of that and send it to me to post here! That would be amazing.

   Anywho, I'm still working on that whole exploding fruit video. It's supposedly getting colder here (seventy-five degrees in Novemeber!? Where does Missouri think we are, the Equater?) so I will have to do it soon. Maybe pull together some pineapple funds. Donations in the form of Imaginary Bucks would be epic.

  I love knee socks! Especially the black ones I have with the multi-colored peace signs on them. I wore some today but there weren't really that tall or pretty. That would be why I did not show them off. Perhaps I will wear some tommorow in gym? Ouch, gym. Gym and football. Awesome. Grass burns here I come!

  There are television shows to be watched and dresses to try on, ugh, so I must depart. Adieu, adieu, and don't stand too close to sparklers.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweatshirt, popsicle, watermellon

    Colony projects are the bane of my existance so I will be avoiding it with this! Stupid colonial North Carolina or whatever. I'm sure it was a lovely place but we're not going back! Hmm, science fair project idea!! Just kidding, I've already got mine. ; ) Not stealers, though! I will hunt you down in the hallways, or where'er you may also be lurking, and tackle you until you pinky promise not to take me idea!! Fear the tackle.

   So, you know those little fancy hearts and circles and such that people can do? Yeah, this keyboard doesn't agree with the Ctrl, Alt, (insert numbers here) philosophy. Kay, it probably isn't so much of a philosophy as it is an actual thing. Perhaps it would be a theory now do to my keyboards lack of cooperation. I'll have to have a little one on one with it after I'm done typing this.

  There's a new Phineas and Ferb on in five minutes here! That is one crazy awesome show. Right up there with exploding fruit and iCarly. Speaking of iCarly, my dad once listened to some big major league football players debate the coolness of Wizards of Waverly Place vs. iCarly. iCarly won, just so you know. Well...maybe not but I'm going to say it did because iCarly is better!

  I think I just watched my mouse of the computer persuasion eye my keyboard so I had better go have a chat with them. Watch Phineas and Ferb, keep an eye out for ninja squirrels, and check back tommorow for some more Pineapple Explosion spice in the gumbo that is your day!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lollipop, Lollipop, eeew lolli, lolli, lolli, lollipop!

    My cat just made the weirdest noise when jumping off of me just now! I think she made a squeak or something. Hmm, I hope that he insides weren't compromised when she hit the ground, that would be sad. But that is irrelevant! Welcome to the November 8th, 2010 edition of Pineapple Explosion! Here on out I'm just gonna ramble a little and see what happens.

    Candy canes, the first thing that popped into my head! No doubt they're going to be making an appearance in stores coming up. I personally like the flavored ones more than the traditional, peppermint kind but whatever. Did you know that the candy cane is actually a religious treat?!? Yeah, true story. Learned about it in PSR way back in second grade. I won't go into specifics, it wasn't all that interesting. But perhaps you could use a candy cane, since it has its origins from the Bible and such, to ward off vampires!! I have an idea for a new book now; Vampire for Christmas. Okay, maybe not that title but you get the idea!

   Sea horses are another fun topic. Wouldn't it be cool if they did some genetic enhancement and made sea horses big enough to ride? They would probably end up being carnivorous and annihilate their riders. But then you would call in the sea horse whisperers and it would all be good! I'm sure they would convince the creatures to spit out those poor riders. They would eat people whole, you know.

   And that would be all. I keep thinking of foods and that just leads to nothing good at all! Pondering creating a youtube to post video blog segments on so I will keep you informed! That would probably be where my exploding fruit would be located. We'll see. Good night!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Boop de Boop beep Boop

    I have returned from my excursion in central Illinois! And to make it perfectly clear, it is pronounced ill-ih-noy. There is no iss at the end. Period. Anywho, thank you to my family members who told me how awesome my blog is and that I should be ruler of the free-world based upon my coolness. (That last part was a lie but the first was not) I may or may not be makinng a video of myself smashing open a pineapple. I'll have to play it by ear.

   But, in other news, I went to church this morning! Yup, for real. And I'd like to share a joke with you that the priest shared with us. Somehow or another the sermon today, which was highly offensive and shall not be recounted, was about marriage. He begins the joke at the very end with "and if you need a good marriage counselor" only in life he didn't misspell the word counselour like I just did TWICE and he began very seriously like it wasn't a joke. So then he says "I know one that will get you in quickly. His name is Jack Daniels." Was I expecting that? Boy howdy was I not! Sorry, just wanted to throw 'boy howdy' in there.

  Moving on now. I'm going to look around my living room and describe one item and then at the very, very, very end of this I shall tell you what that item is. Are you ready for this? It's going to get pretty intense. Alrighty. It is taller than I am and brown. It is also made of wood. I can see it whenever I'm watching T.V. Well, no...yes! Yes, I can. Now you may guess!!

  I hope you thought up a well rounded guess from my hints. I should probably go find and/or annoy my amazingly fat cat, Ally. Gaze upon her fatness! Answer to the riddlie is below her picture. Adios!

Your answer is...a tree. Yup, we do have windows in our living room!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tomas, Tomas, Tomas, Tomas, Tomas...

    Wow, I've been slacking on my posting lately! My apologies.  Meant to mention this, I'm going to change the design of the blog every month. You know to keep life interesting! Anyways, I hope all your Halloweens are enjoyable whether you dressed up or not. I had fun myself, though my pants kept falling down and I was wearing a silk sort of dress. : / Oh, and running most of the time. The candy I got out of it was well worth it. A good way to go out of Trick-or-Treating!

    Anywho, the elections were yesterday! Now all can once again watch your favorite T.V. show without fear of them going to commercial and hearing about how so an' so is the spawn of Satan! What happened to making yourself sound awesome I would like to know. Apprently, here in good old Missouri, the popular thing to do this voting season was make your opponents sound as crappy as possible so you won't look too bad yourself. Oh, politics! How I love thee. (If I could, here would be where my little eye rolling smiley would go)

    Why am I even going on about these stupid commercials? Whatever, the elctions are over and I'm happy. Moving on now (one quick last note, one of the people up for elections somewhere had the last name Crapo! Yes, c-r-a-p-o. Crapo.) I also heard about a tropical storm heading towards Haiti today. It's name? Tomas. I thought when the named popped up it was Tomatoes. But no, Tomas. I think there needs to be a hurricane Nicole sometime soon. That would make my day. What do you think? Would you want a decemating storm named after you? Vote on my poll and tell me! : )

    That's about all for you today. So go on! Get out of here. Can't you see? You don't belong here anymore! This post is over with!