Monday, December 27, 2010

A Day of YouTube and B’s

    Well, I tried to do this last night but my computer sort of went wacky so let’s just say…it didn’t happen. Do you like the background I picked out for however long it takes me to get sick of it? I thought it was pretty cool, who doesn’t like telephone booths? We’ll see how long this one lasts.

    My B key on my laptop is really driving me crazy! It’s come loose somehow and is sort of trying to escape. The thing is, I sort of need that key in order to be able to type my complete alphabet. a_cdefg just doesn’t work for me. It’s an important letter! We wouldn’t have bellhops or balloons without it! I think we’d manage without the B on my keyboard but if it didn’t exist period….I wouldn’t even want to consider the prospect.

    Oh, I forgot to tell you! Guess which blog other recently set up a YouTube account to post fun stuff on? Take a wild guess, I dare you! Alright, I’ll tell you. It was me! You can check me out at here: It’s not all that interesting yet since I set it up last night with my cat sitting on my leg but I’ll post cool things there. Or just random things I thought were fun, who knows.

    Well, come on back tomorrow for more random babblings courtesy of yours truly! No promises anything new will be up tomorrow but you can still come and pine for me to post something. I won’t even mind your loitering! Keep your snack foods close but your vegetables closer, you never know when they’ll turn on you!

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