First snow of the season!! Our poor outdoor cat, Tinkerbell, she had snow in her box she sleeps in on our porch. My mother let her sleep in the garage so she wouldn't freeze her tail off. She would look a tad bit ridiculous without a tail. I'm sure all the other cats would laugh at her. I wonder if all the dogs laugh at our dog, Molly, with her docked tail....
I am getting hanousley (I can't seem to spell hanousley today. Haneous? Haneus?) off topic! There didn't seem to be a topic to begin with, besides the snow, so I will make one. My mom is watching Alice in Wonderland downstiars right now. Not the old Disney one but the new Disney one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. Fun fact here: Helene Bonham Carter has two children (I think) with Tim Burton who directed Alice in Wonderland along with many other movies she's in!!
Speaking of Tim Burton, I just googled him and fuond his website. It has his art on it, which is sorta kinda disturbingly cool. To see his stuff you get to control a little animated dude and walk through a "gallery" of his art. And I really like the music that is playing on it. You should check it out! Go to... <--- there! Tell me what you think of the pictures and music. Let me know if I'm just weird and it's disturbing or what.
Well, check that site out for me and try not to freeze if you happen to be in a place capable of getting snow. If not, beware of heatstroke.
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