Thursday, December 16, 2010

Readers Abroad

    I was exploring the tabs of Blogger today and discovered the several features of "Stats". I was insanley surprised to find out that I have had readers on other continents! So, if you are reading this from somewhere other than North America (Or, if you're reading it somewhere other than the United States I suppose) hi! I bet you were expecting me to say something cooler than that but I didn't.

    Just to let you know, I did have a snow day today and I was not playing hookey. It was a nice break from the regular school week, especially with finals coming up next week/tommorow. Sleeping in was pretty great as well. Best of all I only had a mild freak out when I woke up not at school! Usually it's full out heart-attack, why didn't my alarm go off and why didn't mom's go off? Was there a sudden electronic take-over in the night and our alarm clocks somehow spoke through the floor/ceiling with each other, plotting some sick joke to make me late for school? I usually rule out that idea considering my alarm clock isn't that vendictive. No my mom's is another story...

    Moving on from my wild alarm clock theories I was just trolling the far reaches of google and stumbled upon a delicious looking dessert pie thingy! It's called chocolate Caramel Cream Pie. I've saved the recepie on my computer because it looks so good! I wish my computer would let me upload a picture but "this program is not presently available" so I can't. : / Maybe tommorow.

   I think that now would be the appropriate time to end my typing spree and get off of the computer. Science stories annoy me and Facebook is rather boring at the moment. So, I bid you adieu. Keep in mind, you can get paper cuts on your tongue!

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