Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday!

      No homework toady means a blog post instead! Yay! Just to keep you up to date in my life today was the second day of Track. Let's just say my legs and brain were having some heated arguments today and we'll leave it at that. Otherwise things are fantastic as usual. I hope all is well in the land of my readers, whether you got on here by accident and are sticking around to check this out or you actually know me and read this just to tell me you did. Either way, happy Tuesday to you! And also a happy Mardi Gras. No festivities going on at my house. I actually just told happy Mardi Gras and her reply was "Oh, that's today?"

      I don't know how many of you have heard of this but I love numerology! It's so crazy that based on your birthday some random person sitting in a dusty basement writing down this stuff knows so much about you based on your birthday! Not personal stuff or anything but just personality wise and such. If you don't know what numerology "is any of many systems, traditions, or beliefs in a mystical or esorctic relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things." (Thank you, Wikipedia!) A.K.A. how numbers predict crazy stuff about you. To get your life number you add your date of birth (25), month of birth (8), and your year (1702).

      If by chance you are a seven as I am (do the math, it adds up. Even if I wasn't actually born in 1702) here's what you are supposedly like personality wise:  
"In numerology the number seven is considered the most spiritual of the numbers, in writings they are called seekers. Other positive traits include being prepared for situations. Sevens are thought of as wise and mystical by others, often possessing hidden knowledge. They are also considered very analytical. The negative aspects include being aloof and cynical. Number sevens are also considered superficial and can be perceived as fussy by others. Although these characteristics are based off of the numerological charts for a seven, they are generalizations." To check out more you can go here http://www.ehow.com/list_5914613_numerology-characteristics-number-7.html
       But, if you know me personally, decide for yourself if that sounds like me. I'm not sure I'd really sall myself all that aloof or cynical but I can see fussy. I have been known to fuss. I suggest checking out your numerology on the next rainy, boring day you have. It's kind of mind blowing at times. Beware dish washers and their destroying powers. They have a secret vendetta against certain plastics.




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