Looks like another snow day post. I thought we were out of the snow day phase! March isn't supposed to be snowy! It's supposed to be...Marchy. I don't relly know where I was going with that. Anyways, happy Monday to everyone. And if you didn't know, it's also Say Hi to Chelsea Day. But I doubt many of you actually know the Chelsea I'm talking about so just say hi to whatever Chelsea that's in your life. And it doesn't matter if it's hi, hello, hey, hola, aloha, bonjour, ihnay, ect.ect. They all mean the same thing.
I have a riddle today! Okay, it's not really that much of a riddle but it's fun and I'm going to put it in here anyways. Alright, it's something that everyone has at one point or another but can never remember. The key word there being remember. I'll give you a hint: It's a word. A word with five syllables. What is it? Lethologica, meaning you can't quite remember something. If you actually knew that I'm quite impressed. If you're wondering how I learned it, it was in my planner our school gives us. You learn something new every day.
I am still trying to figure out how to get that video onto youtube without having to wait over an hour. But with track, my secret agent work, changes in the agency, homework, continuing my writing, and my social life, I have little time to spare on my YouTube account. It'll get up eventually! Anyway, I would invest in a lock for your sock drawer. Socks are excellent escape artists.
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