Friday, December 31, 2010
Tornados in January
My mom had the news on when I came upstairs this morning and we are having tornados across Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois! Tornados in January! I didn't quite think it was tornado season but...that was just thunder. It is thundering now. This is ridiculous. I can walk outside without needing a heavy jacket on. This is just going to confuse all the middle school girls into wearing shorts again.
This is sort of weird to think about. The new year has already started in places! I'd better get off since tornado sirens are going off. Smile at a trucker!
Monday, December 27, 2010
A Day of YouTube and B’s
Well, I tried to do this last night but my computer sort of went wacky so let’s just say…it didn’t happen. Do you like the background I picked out for however long it takes me to get sick of it? I thought it was pretty cool, who doesn’t like telephone booths? We’ll see how long this one lasts.
My B key on my laptop is really driving me crazy! It’s come loose somehow and is sort of trying to escape. The thing is, I sort of need that key in order to be able to type my complete alphabet. a_cdefg just doesn’t work for me. It’s an important letter! We wouldn’t have bellhops or balloons without it! I think we’d manage without the B on my keyboard but if it didn’t exist period….I wouldn’t even want to consider the prospect.
Oh, I forgot to tell you! Guess which blog other recently set up a YouTube account to post fun stuff on? Take a wild guess, I dare you! Alright, I’ll tell you. It was me! You can check me out at here: It’s not all that interesting yet since I set it up last night with my cat sitting on my leg but I’ll post cool things there. Or just random things I thought were fun, who knows.
Well, come on back tomorrow for more random babblings courtesy of yours truly! No promises anything new will be up tomorrow but you can still come and pine for me to post something. I won’t even mind your loitering! Keep your snack foods close but your vegetables closer, you never know when they’ll turn on you!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Happy Christmas
I feel like I do a lot of talking about myself here at Pineapple Explosion. I know for a fact I am not the most interesting person in the world (I know I'm not, Chuck Norris is still alive) so I will make it a new year's resolution of mine to try and find more interesting things to write about...other than myself.
Like this: on TV right now is a raccoon that has a jar stuck on his head. The exterminator guys that were trying to save him pulled it off then he got it back on again! Silly raccoon! I will say, it did look pretty funny with a plastic jar stuck onto it's face. Hope it doesn't go search through trash cans at a peanut butter making/packaging facility....
And that's about it! I see a pattern forming in my posting, about four paragraphs per post. At least I'm sort of predictable. Leave your boots inside on a rainy day unless you're looking for a new, not so see through goldfish bowl.
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Pineapple Explosion!
So, last night I was sent a link by the amazing Elise _______ (See previous post "For Elise...") of an actual, legit pineapple explosion. I'm trying to work on getting my own exploding pineapple, or putting this video on loop on here somehow, but I don't think that will happen very soon. But, for your viewing please I have put that video onto this post so you can see what one would look like. Avert your eyes to the box below....
It made my Dad laugh a lot so I guess that counts for something. If anyone reading this by chance finds a cool video, picture, collage, ect. ect. of a pineapple and explosion please send it to me! Just post it in the comments of this post or if you know me some other way contact me there.
I should probably go spend some time with my family due to the upcoming holiday and such. Happy Christmas, Merry Kwanza (what is Kwanza by the way? I was discussing this with friends that other day), and good Hanuaka to you! Drink lots of eggnog!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Time Zones!
Anyways, I'm sort of listening to a Science Channel show on the achievements of Christmas and it's getting pretty ridiculous. This show just told me that "Christmas Will Save the Planet!". If you were wondering, Christmas created the artificial heart, discovered the solar system, colonized the new world, and a few others. I think we have passed the point of ridiculousness long ago. I'm still waiting for them to announce "CHRISTMAS SINGLE HANDEDLY CREATED THE UNIVERSE". Who knew how talented Christmas was!
On an unrelated note, British accents are amazing. I wish I had one. But then I wouldn't realize I had one and would possibly want another one because it would be too normal. Well...I can do a pretty good British accent so I'll have to settle for that. At least, I think it's pretty good. I'm tutoring one my best friend Kaley (not my cousin Kaley Porter but the Missouri one) since she sounds like a sometimes British often Irish pirate with a little Canadian thrown in. She's very talented. ; )
My eyes are sort of getting tired at this point and I'm not wearing my glasses (ooOOOOOH!) so I should get off. (Don't tell my mom!) Always be aware of your pants when open flames are around.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I've learned the True Meaning of Cold...
On a lighter note, I am presently watching Beauty and the Beast for the first time in years! Oh, I love the classic Disney movies. Especially Alladin. I'd have to say Alladin is the Disney equivalent to an action movie. I mean, there's jumping off of building and towers being thrown to the ends of the earth by massive geneies! I think I may have just mutilated the word genie...geanie, geenie? I think it's genie. Anyways, what's your favorite Disney film? Gott be a classic! Vote in my poll convienetly located to your right. --->
Well, this was an awfully short post today but better than nothing! Maybe it just looks short on this writing page. Anyways, keep your keyboards close but your mouse closer, they're honary little buggers.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Readers Abroad
Just to let you know, I did have a snow day today and I was not playing hookey. It was a nice break from the regular school week, especially with finals coming up next week/tommorow. Sleeping in was pretty great as well. Best of all I only had a mild freak out when I woke up not at school! Usually it's full out heart-attack, why didn't my alarm go off and why didn't mom's go off? Was there a sudden electronic take-over in the night and our alarm clocks somehow spoke through the floor/ceiling with each other, plotting some sick joke to make me late for school? I usually rule out that idea considering my alarm clock isn't that vendictive. No my mom's is another story...
I think that now would be the appropriate time to end my typing spree and get off of the computer. Science stories annoy me and Facebook is rather boring at the moment. So, I bid you adieu. Keep in mind, you can get paper cuts on your tongue!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Snow Day?
Tommorow supposed to be a snow day if the weather acts as it should! However, us miseryians...I mean Missourians ; ) know that it doesn't always do what we expect/want it to. I personalyl doubt that it will snow but who knows, it might! I'm trying to compile a list of things you're supposed to do if you want to have a snow day and so far I have wear your "pj's" inside out, sleep with a potato under your pillow, sleep with a spoon beneath your pillow, and verbally doubt that it will happen but on the inside hope with all the hope you have to hope with (which do you think is my tactic?). Anyone know any others? If so, send it to me on Facebook or check out the little comment button at the bottom right of this post. Let me know if it works for you, apparently someone has said it didn't work. I believe you may have to have an account with Blogger or Google to be able to post but I'm not certain.
My eyes are getting tired from staring at this screen so I'm going to leave you with that. Please, rack your brains for snow day ideas! I'll hopefully find out how to make other pages then post it on here for you to view. Watch out for flying pens, they're everywhere these days!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dad and His Cool Pants
I hear we're supposed to get another wintry mix tonight/tommorow/tommorow night. As not to give you faulty information I will look up the forecast right now!!! ....... There is a 30% chance of snow tonight and 40% chance of "frozen mix" on the morrow. And that has been the weather forecast for Wentzville Missouri, I'm Nicole Mueller.
So, I doubt that my father will be reading this but if he does then Hi Dad! But if you wanted to see a picture of one of my parents when younger (-ahem- with more hair than he has now -ahem-) then look no further than below this sentence!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Tree!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow and Tim Burton
I am getting hanousley (I can't seem to spell hanousley today. Haneous? Haneus?) off topic! There didn't seem to be a topic to begin with, besides the snow, so I will make one. My mom is watching Alice in Wonderland downstiars right now. Not the old Disney one but the new Disney one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. Fun fact here: Helene Bonham Carter has two children (I think) with Tim Burton who directed Alice in Wonderland along with many other movies she's in!!
Speaking of Tim Burton, I just googled him and fuond his website. It has his art on it, which is sorta kinda disturbingly cool. To see his stuff you get to control a little animated dude and walk through a "gallery" of his art. And I really like the music that is playing on it. You should check it out! Go to... <--- there! Tell me what you think of the pictures and music. Let me know if I'm just weird and it's disturbing or what.
Well, check that site out for me and try not to freeze if you happen to be in a place capable of getting snow. If not, beware of heatstroke.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Blonde Jokes
I'm sorry if you too are a blonde and reading this and happen to be offended by them. I don't care considering I have a respectable amount of A's on my report card right now and few "ditsy" moments. But, if you do not like them then by all means, AVERT YOUR EYES.......NOW!
1.) Brunette: "Looks it's a dead bird!" ... *Blonde looks up into the sky* ... "Where?" ((This is me making comments on these. I liked this one a lot, especially since the blonde, in my opinion, is looking for zombies birds!))
2.) What do you call a blonde who dyes her hair? Artificial intelligence. ((I thought this was funny because I know a girl, not naming names, who got blonde highlights but is more of a really dirty blonde and acts like an air head at times. Very, very smart with several...dizzy moments. ))
3.) A blonde walked up to one of her friends and asked "What does idk mean?" the person then said "I don't know." The blonde then said "Omigod, no one knows!!!" ((I just liked that one because the spelled oh my god wrong. ))
4.) ***Last one*** What did the blonde say when she opened a box of Cheerios? "Oh look, donut seeds."
Well, that's all folks! You can go back to doing important things with your lives and thanks for reading.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
For Elise....
We put up our Christmas tree today! Ally has already taken up her post beneath the tree ready to defend helpless presents from ruthless present ninjas. I knew we kept her around for a reason. Anyways, its so nice to have our living room once more illuminated by unnatural, multi-colored lights. This is why we love the Christmas season!
Yesterday morning I got to help out with this awesome orginization Theraputic Horsemanship and their charity 5k/fun run thingy they did. There was a great turn-out. However, I had to get up at 6:40 on a Saturday to help and had to stand outside for an hour in the 30 degree whether. Fun, right. My mother and I were pu lling tabs off of sweaty runners to keep track of who came in what place when. You get the picture. I'll let you know that I finished 96th out of 110. How did I do that? A rogue tab decided to catch the wind when I was trying to shove it onto this thing we were collecting them on with my cold, numb fingers. To catch the stupid thing I had to cross the finish line. Needless to say the man pressing the button as the runners finished pressed it as I ran across. Not bad for not running what so ever that day.
My mother and sister are presently talking in the dark so I'm going to go join them! Look for a picture of my Christmas tree coming up. And if you have the ambition, send me a picture of your awesome Christmas tree for me to post on here! I'll even decide on a winner if anyone sends one in. A prize will be later determined. Adios!
Friday, December 3, 2010
December Again!
I suppose one thing did happen to me this week. As predicted I did not get the part I wanted in the musical. However, I did get a sorta kinda lead. What role might that be? Benny Southstreet, Nicley Nicely's gangsta buddy! Yup, "I'm picking Valentine 'cause on the morning line the guy has got him figured at 5 to 9". Just so you know, that is the first thing I say. Interesting, right?
There is this Facebook game I am actually playing as I write this and it is amazingly addictive! No, it's not Farmville as I'm sure most of you are thinking. It is called Baking life Beta and if you are looking for a game to waste away hours of your life on, this is the game for you! You can bake delicious pastries in minutes without the accomplished feeling you would get after actually baking something! So, if you have a Facebook account and hours of time to mindlessly spend playing a stupid game then you should try out Baking Life Beta!
Ooh, now miss Chinese fancy hair has pink/white/purple hair!!! Actually, she is very pretty. But that is not the point! I will leave you now with a ridiculously cute picture of a puppy. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Truffle Cake
Presently I am eating a piece of this truffle cake stuff that my mother made for Thanksgiving. Oh, Thanksgiving! You are still present in my life and stomach. It really is amazing stuff this truffle cake. Expecially since it's smothered in whipped cream. And not the canned whip cream stuff, the actually whiped stuff that I could eat a whole container of plain. Anyways, I believe the moral of this story is that truffle cake is really good when covered in whipped cream.
Tomorrow has rain and snow in the forecast! I can't tell you how very excited I am. Although the snow will not stay even if it comes due to the warmth of the ground I can't hlep but dream. I at least get to see it since my locker has such a nice view of the big field thingy outside. I knew that having my locker at the end of the hall was a good thing.
Wow, now that truffle cake dried out my mouth. Time to get a glass of water! Adios, adieu, goodbye, and oodbyegnay!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wintry Mix of Epic Proportions
We got pelted with a "wintrey mix" yesterday! Yeah, a "wintrey mix". I'm serious. It didn't really last long, though. Which was probably good considering the amount of crazy people driving out in the middle of the freakin' night to shop the Black Friday deals. No doubt there would've been some crazy people accidents.
Ooh, Fantasia is coming out in high definition for the first time ever! Fancy. Whenever those movies come out in "high definition" I never know the difference. Those people that slap the labels onto old movies saying "this movie is so awesome now" could totally be scamming us. It's not like I'm going to go sit down and play my 1987 version of Lady and the Tramp and compare it to my brand new, redefined, high definition, totally amazing, 2010 version. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this...
My mouth is cold from my water and my eyes are getting tired so I'm going to end it there. May your ventures be fruitful and your Kleeeex boxes plentiful! 'Tis the season to be sneezy. Adieu.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Eraser on the Run
My Magic Rub Eraser has gone MIA as of late. I lent it to a girl in my algebra class yesterday who I figured had taken without malicious intent but then she didn't have it today. She did give me her eraser to use though. Maybe she does have my eraser and she gave me the crappier of the two (it's one of those stupid pink erasers that leave grey smudges all over your paper) as a trade. A trade I was unaware of!! GASP. Some words may be exchanged this upcoming Monday.
Glee is on! I should go watch it right now considering it's on and stuff. Yes, I am a glee geek (no way am I going to say... gleek. Now I've said it. Awesome) . Your opinion on Glee? I want to hear it! Comment below! Below! Below! Below! Below! Below! C'mon! Below! Below! You know that you want to. : ) Click the comment button and make my day. xD |
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sticky Notes
So, I feel like I'm writing to a crowd of mute statues who I know for a fact have consciousnesses and definetly move when I turn around but I never trun fast enough to completely see them move! A fleeting glance is all I ever get (ahem, my pool, ahem). Which leads me to this next statement! If you are in fact not a sometimes immobile mute statue then please, for the love of all that is good in this world, leave me a comment! It doesn't even have to make sense or portain to anything I mentioned today. Just gibberish if you like! Let me know I am not talking get the picture.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Out of my head, Munchkins!
When my mother and I returned home this evening from a Girl Scout excursion (yes, I am still in Girl Scouts thank you) we found a nice splattering of puke from our wonderous dog, Molly. Oddly enough, the puke stain was in the shape of an arrow. I mean, a legit arrow. What was it pointing to you may ask? Our lamp. If there was some profound meaning behind it I shall never know. I told my mother she was trying to tell us "Johnny was in the lamp" but she didn't seem to take me seriously. When they wake up to bangings coming from the lamp, I'll be the one laughing.
I like Sarah Palin's accent. We were watching Sarah Palin's Alaska last night and it was super entertaining just to listen to her speak. You'd think she's Canadian then BALAMA-BLAM! She's part of the United States of America! How 'bout that. All politics and such aside, her accent makes me happy.
This is the end! There is no more. Unless I see that bear once more!....Sorry about that. Girl Scout flashback there. A far and fond adieu.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Blue Bird Attacks
This is weird! I'm on Facebook this very moment I am writing this and the first four statuses on my feed...thingy all consist of only four words. If that is not ironic then I don't know what is! Sorry, that was a lame thing to mention. I'll try harder to not write things that a lame. : )
Moving on now. It finally got cold here! Well...sort of. It's been down to forty or so the last few days which isn't too bad for a Missouri November. Especially since last week was in the FRICKIN' SEVENTIES! I have nothing against warm weather but I do, you know, enjoy the cold wheather. That way I get to wear my awesoem new coat! But if there is no cool temperatures then I don't get to wear my coat! Actually I could but then I would be the weirdo walking around in the wool coat sweating her brains out and that would just be weird.
I want to learn how to play another instrument. I've already started flute and such but I need some variety. I don't exactly have a piano at my disposal and the holds none of the glamor that other insturments hold. I suppose I've got a harmonica floating around somewhere. But I'm not sure I trust it all that much since I've had since I was four or something. that thing could've been in the toilet for all I know! And definetly no accordian ever. Flash backs to polka on TV at my grandparents house. N.O.
With the thought of instrument playing now rooted in your brains I sign off. Watch out these days for rogue blue birds, you never know when they'll strike...your windows!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Anywho, I'm still working on that whole exploding fruit video. It's supposedly getting colder here (seventy-five degrees in Novemeber!? Where does Missouri think we are, the Equater?) so I will have to do it soon. Maybe pull together some pineapple funds. Donations in the form of Imaginary Bucks would be epic.
I love knee socks! Especially the black ones I have with the multi-colored peace signs on them. I wore some today but there weren't really that tall or pretty. That would be why I did not show them off. Perhaps I will wear some tommorow in gym? Ouch, gym. Gym and football. Awesome. Grass burns here I come!
There are television shows to be watched and dresses to try on, ugh, so I must depart. Adieu, adieu, and don't stand too close to sparklers.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sweatshirt, popsicle, watermellon
So, you know those little fancy hearts and circles and such that people can do? Yeah, this keyboard doesn't agree with the Ctrl, Alt, (insert numbers here) philosophy. Kay, it probably isn't so much of a philosophy as it is an actual thing. Perhaps it would be a theory now do to my keyboards lack of cooperation. I'll have to have a little one on one with it after I'm done typing this.
There's a new Phineas and Ferb on in five minutes here! That is one crazy awesome show. Right up there with exploding fruit and iCarly. Speaking of iCarly, my dad once listened to some big major league football players debate the coolness of Wizards of Waverly Place vs. iCarly. iCarly won, just so you know. Well...maybe not but I'm going to say it did because iCarly is better!
I think I just watched my mouse of the computer persuasion eye my keyboard so I had better go have a chat with them. Watch Phineas and Ferb, keep an eye out for ninja squirrels, and check back tommorow for some more Pineapple Explosion spice in the gumbo that is your day!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Lollipop, Lollipop, eeew lolli, lolli, lolli, lollipop!
Candy canes, the first thing that popped into my head! No doubt they're going to be making an appearance in stores coming up. I personally like the flavored ones more than the traditional, peppermint kind but whatever. Did you know that the candy cane is actually a religious treat?!? Yeah, true story. Learned about it in PSR way back in second grade. I won't go into specifics, it wasn't all that interesting. But perhaps you could use a candy cane, since it has its origins from the Bible and such, to ward off vampires!! I have an idea for a new book now; Vampire for Christmas. Okay, maybe not that title but you get the idea!
Sea horses are another fun topic. Wouldn't it be cool if they did some genetic enhancement and made sea horses big enough to ride? They would probably end up being carnivorous and annihilate their riders. But then you would call in the sea horse whisperers and it would all be good! I'm sure they would convince the creatures to spit out those poor riders. They would eat people whole, you know.
And that would be all. I keep thinking of foods and that just leads to nothing good at all! Pondering creating a youtube to post video blog segments on so I will keep you informed! That would probably be where my exploding fruit would be located. We'll see. Good night!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Boop de Boop beep Boop
But, in other news, I went to church this morning! Yup, for real. And I'd like to share a joke with you that the priest shared with us. Somehow or another the sermon today, which was highly offensive and shall not be recounted, was about marriage. He begins the joke at the very end with "and if you need a good marriage counselor" only in life he didn't misspell the word counselour like I just did TWICE and he began very seriously like it wasn't a joke. So then he says "I know one that will get you in quickly. His name is Jack Daniels." Was I expecting that? Boy howdy was I not! Sorry, just wanted to throw 'boy howdy' in there.
Moving on now. I'm going to look around my living room and describe one item and then at the very, very, very end of this I shall tell you what that item is. Are you ready for this? It's going to get pretty intense. Alrighty. It is taller than I am and brown. It is also made of wood. I can see it whenever I'm watching T.V. Well, no...yes! Yes, I can. Now you may guess!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tomas, Tomas, Tomas, Tomas, Tomas...
Anywho, the elections were yesterday! Now all can once again watch your favorite T.V. show without fear of them going to commercial and hearing about how so an' so is the spawn of Satan! What happened to making yourself sound awesome I would like to know. Apprently, here in good old Missouri, the popular thing to do this voting season was make your opponents sound as crappy as possible so you won't look too bad yourself. Oh, politics! How I love thee. (If I could, here would be where my little eye rolling smiley would go)
Why am I even going on about these stupid commercials? Whatever, the elctions are over and I'm happy. Moving on now (one quick last note, one of the people up for elections somewhere had the last name Crapo! Yes, c-r-a-p-o. Crapo.) I also heard about a tropical storm heading towards Haiti today. It's name? Tomas. I thought when the named popped up it was Tomatoes. But no, Tomas. I think there needs to be a hurricane Nicole sometime soon. That would make my day. What do you think? Would you want a decemating storm named after you? Vote on my poll and tell me! : )
That's about all for you today. So go on! Get out of here. Can't you see? You don't belong here anymore! This post is over with!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Pumpkin Day!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
In Four....
But talking about the trick-or-treating festivities was not what I intended to do when i began typing this so I shall refrain here on out from doing just that. For the next four days, if I get on frequently enough and have the will power, I will insigiht some interesting and hopefully humorous Halloween knowledge upon you.
So, my first bit of holiday knowledge for you is about the origins of Halloween. It actually began as a holiday celebrated by the Celts called Samhain. Get this, children went around that day and asked for food! Not just candy, food. That sounds like my kind of celebration. I call for a Halloween reform! Anyways, priests were the head of these things and they were called Druids. Everytime I read that I think of Star Wars. New life goal here!
Check back tommorow for more Halloween knowledge! And never, ever, ever look behind you on the 31st if you hear someone walking behind you by chance....
Monday, October 25, 2010
Well, that's all you'll have to hear about my Monday goings on. Onto more important things! My mother and I were driving back from dropping a friend off at their home last night and we hit a rouge splosh of rain. Lot's of lightning, thunder, the works. But this little car comes whizzing around us and down the highway at the speed of light. Okay, not really the speed of light but he was booking it. We had just been discussing the lightning and I decided that the faster a car goes the more conductable you are. So if any of you heard about a car speeding got struck by lightning in the St. Louis area last night please notify me. I'll have to send my new theory onto scientists.
I've got some flutifying to do now so I must depart. Typing computer and flute keys don't really work out all that well usually. Especially when you're trying to do them at the same time. Be awesome.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Six O'clock and all is Well!
I did learn something interesting from the trip though, aside from where the park ends. I need new shoes! Of maybe new socks. Now I've got massive blisters that hurt like crazy. I should've gotten the hint that they shouldn't be worn when the inner lining started wearing away to the plastic shoe part. I'll live, coul ddo with some new ones anyways.
This is completely off topic, which you should often expect from me, but why is monster blood always green? My parents are watching Gremlins right now and a few just got blended up and blown up in microwaves and other great stuff and the blood is green!! Can't they have magenta blood or something? Harry Potter refrence here, fair warning but unicorns have epic blood! It's all silvery and pretty even if it's totally disgusting and not meant to be out of their bodies.. Give the disgusting Gremlins some cool blood, at least.
On that hear-warming topic I shall leave you. Do keep in mind, never feed your Gremlin after midnight and never, under any circumstance, should you get them wet.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Getting My Pioneer On
So, I'm listening the Glee version of Rocky Horror Picture Show right now. I'm a little interested to see how this is going to turn out next week. All I've seen of the original is up to the part where Meatloaf comes in. I don't really care so much after that, I get to see weird people do a silly dance and a man named after a well hated food with laof in it's name! (I personally like meatlof but whatever). Maybe he's not actually named after meatloaf but I can still imagine he did.
Well, with visions of people doing the Time Warp in Pioneer clothes I shall leave you. When I'm doing the square dance segment of the hay ride tonight I will burst out into the Time Warp. That would be fun and contraversial at the same time! Darn, but this is an elementary school function....we'll see. Adios!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Moving on from my cheese fettish. I don't know if you've seen/heard it yet but Willow Smiths Will Smith's daughter, has a song out. It's called, and I'm serious here, Whip my Hair. She's a good singer for her age but I had a hard time not laughing when I first watched the video. I can tell you in all honesty that I'm not going to be "whipping my hair". Even if this becomes the next dance, which would be a bit ackward for the boys who have very little of the stuff, I will NOT be throwing out my neck for the purposes of dance.
That is all for today! Have a very, merry Thursday. Or rather, pre-Friday!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
These are some of my FAVORITE THINGS!
The first on my list going in no real order is Estes Park, Colorado. It is pictured in the tranquil scene below but is home to one of the awesomest/scariest legit haunted houses in the nation! (This is where you insert creepy lightning) I recommend it but not to someone that does not enjoy precarious rides through the mountains.
Next up is Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Another place we went to that had a haunted hotel to stay in, The Crescent. The town is adorable with its little winding streets made for carriages and not cars so you almost ram everyone anywhere you go! But that, my friends, is why you park and use sidewalks. Remember, one good and healthy act will lead to another!
Alrighty, moving on. This next one is Indianapolis, Indiana. I went there a long time ago with my family for my father to wear himself out running a half-marathon with my aunt. Maybe it wasn't THAT long ago, four years I think. Whatever. I like big cities so obviously, this was an awesome place to me.
I'm going to wrap it up! Obviously, I like others but that's all I'm going to say for now. Have a good day, now, and keep an eye to the skies. You never know when there might be a well fed bird flying overhead.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Green Bows and Such
Anyways, so I just saw another preview today for the "new" movie coming up soon, Tron. I don't know about anyone else but I saw the original Tron made back in the dorky effects era and I'm sort of wonderin ghow this one will be. I have high hopes for this new given the advancements in cinematics....
Well, the last episode of FRIENDS is on and I do enjoy my friends so I shall go watch it. I still cry everytime (just kidding!) It's even cooler now that my sister has been to the place this all takes place. And Rachel is going to Paris in this episode, another place Kelly's been. I love havin gwell travelled family! Adieu.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oh, The Leaves
On the topic of Fall I"m so super excited for Halloween! Even if I'm probably maybe not going to go Trick-or-Treating, it's still my favorite holiday. It also gives me an excuse to tell peope about my haunted travellings. Scaring the socks off of my peers is always a good time.
Grr, I'm so tired of all these campaign comercials on lately! If I hear Robin Carghanahahahsfwhatever knocking Roy Blunt one more time I swear I'm gonna throw a notebook at the screen. Ha ha, here's another one! Let me get me notebook....rock on.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Well Looky Here!
Anyways, that's what this is mainly going to be about. My ramblings on about things such as pineapple explosions. In the words of a popular internet site, my life is average. I want to spice it up a bit and hopefully yours in the process. Add a laugh? Hopefully. So this is for you all who "like" my facebook statuses and invite me into your homes based upon my aforesaid statuses. This is for you.